Category: UDOO Neo

UDOO at Droidcon Turin (Italy) and other good news from the UDOO world

Dear friends, we’re back after stealth mode with a lot of news from the UDOO world! There are really plenty of them, so let’s cut the chit-chat and go straight to the point. The Interactive Maker’s Guide to Boards, by Make – and UDOO NEO is in! If you are a habitual reader of Make […]

Download UDOObuntu 2 RC2

Dear folks, here we are to make a big announcement: UDOObuntu 2 RC2 is here. We focused on solving major problems and some new features. But let’s go straight on and check out the improvements. Fast Download UDOO NEO Mirror EU SourceForge SHA-1: 82ada7a6518ea331338ccbbc6dddec36a110cb5f Mirror EU Minimal SourceForge Minimal SHA-1: 789e45e2b431bc37cb6211e9f424ed14501c4fc5 UDOO QUAD/DUAL Mirror EU […]

Android Lollipop for all UDOO NEO boards

For the impatient: SourceForge Mirror EU SHA-1: 0107b0d37df4f3437154a6f2ae6aadda033494bc We’re talking about Android 5.1.1, running on any UDOO NEO model, that is UDOO NEO Basic KS, Basic, Extended and Full. Obviously you’ll also find the image among the other images on our Downloads page. What works Wi-Fi Bluetooth/ BLE Ethernet HDMI (video) LVDS Display 7” Touch […]

Our roadmap for UDOO NEO is open

Friends and fellows, isn’t it better when everything is clear with no misunderstanding? We think it is, so we’re sharing with you our roadmap for UDOO NEO. As we are sharing we’re also open to suggestions and requests from you guys. You can look at our roadmap more in details on Trello. Obviously since this […]

Arduino (M4) External Programming: It’s Time!

Our beloved friends, the time has come: you can finally program the Arduino platform on UDOO NEO from an external PC!Isn’t it wonderful? Many UDOOers in our Community have complained about the lack of this crucial capability, combined with the resulting bother of slow internal compilation. Good news: that time is over! So, just as […]