Use UDOO NEO as a Lightweight Desktop PC
You just need a UDOO NEO + Micro SD (at least 8GB) + 12V 2A Power Supply or USB Wall Charger 5V with Micro USB Data Cable + Monitor or TV HDMI + Mouse and Keyboard + Hub USB or Host OTG Adaptor Cable to add a second USB port (optional)
You can use your NEO like a Lightweight Desktop PC.
Start programming and developing with it! It’s a piece of cake!
Use UDOO NEO as an headless IoT device
You just need a UDOO NEO + Micro SD (at least 8GB) + 12V 2A Power Supply or USB Wall Charger 5V with Micro USB Data Cable or Battery Pack or Micro USB to USB cable connected to a computer.
Use your UDOO NEO as a headless IoT device.
Use it like an Arduino: make Robots, Rovers or Drones!
STEP 1 – Download UDOO NEO’s official Operating system
The main “Hard Drive” of UDOO NEO is the Micro SD Card. In order to get it started you just need to download the official UDOObuntu 2 Operating System and flash it into your Micro SD Card.

UDOObuntu 2.2.0 (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)
Username: udooer
Password: udooer
SHA-1: 687862b1c361f0fdc9afa17b4186a8ae4afc88af
Release Date: December 22, 2017
UDOO supports quite a lot of Operating systems. Download them here
STEP 2 – Prepare your Micro SD Card
Click here for the full guide for Windows.
Click here for the full guide for MAC OSX.
Click here for the full guide for Linux.
STEP 3- Insert the Micro SD Card and power up the board
Insert the Micro SD Card you just prepared
The Micro SD slot is right under the USB port. You’re not finding it? Just turn the board upside down and there it is!

Plug Keyboard and Mouse
Here it is an ideal configuration for your UDOO Neo: a keyboard attached via USB and a wireless mouse. If you’re using an average keyboard instead, our suggestion is to go for a USB hub or a Host OTG Adaptor Cable to add a second USB port (optional).
Connect your monitor via Micro HDMI Cable
The micro HDMI connector is on the top of the board. You’ll need a HDMI to Micro HDMI adapter or a HDMI to Micro HDMI cable for this.

Power up via Micro USB or DC connector
There are many ways to power up UDOO NEO:
- Power Supply 2A 12V;
- USB Wall Charger 5V with Micro USB Data Cable
- a Battery Pack
- a Micro USB to USB cable connected to a computer
Now you can have fun configuring your new UDOO Neo, for more information click here to go to the UDOO NEO documentation