Category: Events

UDOO at the Hackster Hardware Weekends: 5 UDOO Neo and one 3d Printer to be won!

  Hi UDOOers, something truly awesome is about to happen! As you know, we’ve set up a great partnership with to showcase your brilliant projects and share the open source code behind them. Now we decided to go a step forward: take part to the great Hackster Hardware Weekend and bring that philosophy on […]

You are the Wizard of Oz

(speaking about #UDOOHacKThings, #MakerFaireRome, #RIOT, #Community) I guess u are still having a #MakerFaireRome hangover, all the veins crammed of electronic blood and the cyberpunk stuff roaming on the floor of #MFR14 still creeping among your synapses – we 2. U can’t even imagine the faces of boyz and girls (and grannies 2), the eyes […]