Category: Arduino
Hi UDOOers, we are going to release some brilliant project these days and here it is just the first one you can make it real easily following this easy tutorial: UDOO Vision, the Stalker Robot. Maybe you remember our tutorial about Open CV, when we started talking about Face Detection. Well, you can actually take […]
The Open Source 2014 is coming to Udine: what will UDOO? Something’s happening indeed in the Open Source World: tomorrow, November 29th, we’ll be at the Open Source Day 2014, in the wonderful city of Udine. The informatic association AsCI with IGLU, the Linux Group Udine in collaboration with DiTeDi (District of Digital Technologies) and […]
Hi UDOOers out there, Christmas is coming, are you excited? We are cooking up some example of library uses in the most adopted languages. All of this will be included in the new UDOObuntu release. To be more specific, we are going to include libraries or operating instructions of C, Java, PHP and Python in the […]
So guys, u know we supported the RIOT Hackathon on the 10 to 12 October with the UDOOHackThings award – 4 UDOO were there expecting the winners – and now we are pleased to post you an interview with the winner of the UDOOHackThings hackathon. UDOO: Hi guys! First of all, how would u present […]
Joshua Solanes, a great UDOOers (just visit his website and take a look), was able to get the Arduino IDE (hard float) working within Gentoo using our official Arduino IDE HFP instructions.
Hi UDOOers, There’s a new easiest way to implement the ADK communication in a UDOO Android App, the ADK Toolkit by palazzem, a member of our great community. This toolkit helps beginners to be up and running with ADK 2012 without difficulties using only few lines of code.
Hi UDOOers, as many of you may already know there’s a issue with the Arduino IDE in all the soft float OSes: Linaro Ubuntu 12.04, Linaro Ubuntu 11.10.
Hi UDOOers, UDOO was present at the Embedded World (25-27 February) placed in Nurnberg with the Carmadillo Mark II demo at the Freescale university program stand and at the main Freescale stand.
As some of you may have noticed, we’re releasing Hard Float flavours: Debian Wheezy, Ubuntu Studio, Ubuntu 12.04 (coming soon). In all of them the Arduino IDE doesn’t work so we released the HFP version that works with all of these distros.
UDOO Headquarters, this is how we get things done. UDOO Android Controlled Rover, recipe: