Category: Arduino
As every year, the UDOO team will be at the leading international fair for embedded systems. From 26 to 28 February 2019, there will be the Embedded World event at the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre. Come to see it for yourself the UDOO BOLT!At this year’s Embedded World, we have a lot of things to show […]
The UDOO team is pleased to announce that the UDOO X86 family of maker boards are now available to purchase directly from their shop, after successfully shipping over five-thousand boards. The crowdfunded open-spec board, combining the computational power of a Quad-Core 64-bit Intel® microprocessor, and the flexibility of the famous Arduino prototyping platform, in using […]
Friends and fellow makers, today we’re headed to Turin (Italy). What for, you ask? Droidcon Italy 2017 of course! Droidcon is nothing short than one of the biggest event in tech for Android developers, designers and marketers that work with Android. Basically, it’s an all things Android you shouldn’t snub lightly. The event will take […]
Welcome to this second HOW TO about UDOO Neo’s Linux and Arduino. In the first one we learned how to read sensors and send their data to an Internet website. In this HOW TO we are learning how to read and send Arduino data from a website hosted by the Neo itself. This way we […]
Friends, as you may have noticed, in case you follow our endeavours on social media, last Friday, Saturday and Sunday we were at Maker Faire Rome 2016, the European Edition 4.0 It was awesome. More than 110,000 people attended the faire, held at Fiera di Roma, a fabulous, gargantuan labyrinth of robots, 3D […]
Hi friends, good news: the UDOO Neo Board Package is updated! In summary We’re releasing today the UDOO Board Package 1.6.7 for the Arduino Board Manager (both the external and the internal one). This update has made the communication via MCC better (you know – the virtual serial communication channel between the processor and the […]
Friends, here we are with the third announcement of today – unbelievable, isn’t it? So, what’s new???? Board Manager for UDOO NEO’s Cortex M4 (Arduino) updated To get the updates you just have to type in the command line sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade Then you have to install the update contained in the […]
Friends, we’re glad to announce that Arduino IDE 1.6.9, the latest Arduino IDE, released more or less a month ago, is now supported by UDOO NEO, DUAL and QUAD if you program the Arduino from an external computer. For what regards the other way around (programming the Arduino IDE from the Cortex-A9 processor onboard) this […]
Friends, we are here to tell you that new Arduino libraries for UDOO NEO for the UDOO Bricks and the internal motion sensors are now included in the Arduino Board Manager. You just have to assign the sensors to M4 with the Device Tree Editor. Then follow the official guide to install the Board Manager […]
Dear UDOOers, here we are with a hot news for nerds and wannabe nerds: as part of the European Maker Week, promoted by Startup Europe, the European Commission and our beloved Maker Faire Rome, there will be a UDOO-based workshop at Santa Chiara Lab – where we shooted the Kickstarter video for UDOO X86, The […]