Build your own supercomputer with OmpSs, UDOO and Arduino

Dear UDOOers,
here we are with a hot news for nerds and wannabe nerds: as part of the European Maker Week, promoted by Startup Europe, the European Commission and our beloved Maker Faire Rome, there will be a UDOO-based workshop at Santa Chiara Lab – where we shooted the Kickstarter video for UDOO X86, The Most Powerful Maker Board Ever – located in Via Valdimontone, 1, 53100 Siena (ITALY), to be held on May 31, 15 to 18 o’clock.
Here’s where:
The workshop is organized by the EC funded AXIOM Project in collaboration with the UDOO Team.
A link to the AXIOM Project:
Build your own supercomputer with OmpSs, UDOO and Arduino
The workshop will be about easy-to-configure UDOO-based clusters thanks to OmpSs, a programming model developed by BSC and supported by the AXIOM Project, a model which has already showed its capabilities some times ago – you remember our video at the Embedded World 2016, do you?
The workshop will guide attendees through the building of low cost, low consumption clusters of UDOO boards, like the one you see below, as well as through the use of the Arduino-compatible microcontroller onboard to manage fans and other stuff; finally, the workshop will explore how to easily distribute the computation thanks to OmpSs.
The workshop is organized along 3 main phases: connecting the hardware, configuring the system, running the distributed algorithms.
The speakers will be experts on High Performance Computing and engineers of the UDOO Team.
You can dig deeper about the workshop at this link:
Most important, get your free tickets now!
Participants are limited to 25, so it’s very important you reserve your seat.
Come along, we will be there all waiting for you!