You are the Wizard of Oz

(speaking about #UDOOHacKThings, #MakerFaireRome, #RIOT, #Community)
I guess u are still having a #MakerFaireRome hangover, all the veins crammed of electronic blood and the cyberpunk stuff roaming on the floor of #MFR14 still creeping among your synapses – we 2. U can’t even imagine the faces of boyz and girls (and grannies 2), the eyes of kids amazed, the smiles of curious-like-a-cat routine-people that were flowing in our minds on the way home.
3 powerful days of non-stop innovation. I remember a 7-years-old schoolboy asking his dad: “Daddy, will u buy it to for me??? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!” And the father: “No, let’s print it!”. I remind of a grandma playing #SuperMario with #TheBiggestJoystickInTheWorld we made, joyful like me when I was 6 on Christmas Eve. I can’t forget the tooooooooooons of people swarming like bees on robot-honey. I can’t forget of you, guys, whoever you are we #love u.
We owe so much energy, so much will to live. It’s been like plugging our heart into your heart-socket, and this is worth more than anything else.
But the Maker-faire is not finished yet. It’s like #innovation in human history, a baton of bravery and madness that not only makers, but especially u help to realize. This events would be nothing without u.
You are the Wizard of Oz.
Is the people using a new invention, not the makers, that really disrupt society. This is the #opensource #openhardware spirit we embraced since the beginning: No Man Is An Island, all of us are a #community, together.
So, if u want to carry on the baton, dare. Dare to #tinker, dare to #HackThings, dare to #make something new also if it’s stupid or misunderstood. Maker-faire is finished, but it’s not finished yet, its spirit and sense of wonder will survive, in other faires, in other town, and also on your desk when u tinker with a #UDOO, an #Arduino or something else.
This is why we’ll be at InternetFestival, on Friday the 10th till Sunday the 12th October, at the RIOT -Revolutionizing the Internet Of Things
with a special gift of 4 UDOO for those who’ll be GREAT enough to win the #UDOOHackThings Hackathon with his project.
This is why
Because all this is possible just because of you.
Makers, web-mobile-embedded developers, this is what u’ll find, crazy stuff that flies, drones, and who knows which jaw-dropping project will steal your heart forever.
So, if you enjoyed the Maker-Faire, if u think about #impossibleisnothing creations u saw in Rome before to fall asleep on the pillow, no guys, u can’t miss this.
We want to meet u another time, because we miss u all.
Help us to make the heart of Maker-Faire beat again.