Web-based, mobile controlled light system through UDOO and PIC Micro

Hi there UDOOers,
We’re sure you planned to remote-control the light system of your house with UDOO + your mobile device: here’s how to do it.
But first of all, the teaser of the what the project look like once completed.
Ingredients of the recipe
Why PIC Micro instead of an Arduino?
You could use the Arduino 2 embedded in the UDOO to complete the project, but Primiano handled it differently, exploiting a PIC Micro instead. Quoting the author “there is no reason why you should not use an Arduino here if you are familiar with them. Personally, I have used PICs since I have memory, and these days there are more PICs than pairs of socks in my bedroom.”
What on Earth is Polymer?
The UI of the Android app has been written as a HTML Web App based on Polymer. Being non-native, you can use this app also on your laptop, not only through mobile phone. But what Polymer is? Using the words of Primiano, who suggest us to give it a try, Polymer is a framework born to create web-apps based on actual reusable components. Obviously you can program an Android app to solve this task and for some reason can be better, but the possibility to use this app on both laptops and mobile devices without writing the same code twice is remarkable.
Step by Step
At this point what you should do is following the tutorial, which is really complete actually.
So, good luck and happy coding!