UDOO Wiki Restyled

We recently restyled the UDOO Wiki adding a whole bunch of new textual informations allowing all the UDOOers to easily find what their looking for about the UDOO world:
– Overview description;
– Specifications;
– GPIO Features;
– Getting started, from the very first start to the advanced setup, plus all the links to all the resources available;
– Tutorials for the Linux, Android and Arduino side;
– Resources for Hardware & Accessories, Software & OS Distributions and some Additional resources;
– All the official accessories and their specs;
– Community and social accounts.
Here’s the new and most important sections:
– UDOO GPIO Pinout: a very important section which describes how UDOO manages the signals available on external pin header, and the way to control all the GPIOs using codes, images and diagrams.
– UDOO Configuration Tool: a utility created to assist UDOO basic and advanced Configuration. It comes preinstalled on UDOOBuntu Official UDOO Operating system.
– UDOO Camera Module: all the specifications, data sheet and the usage with Android and Linux.
– UDOO Distributions: a list of all the available distro for UDOO.