UDOO website is going to a RE-FRESH!

Ya, u heard it right. The entire website is under re-construction – probably it will takes some time, so don’t refresh the page obsessively or u’ll get unsatified 🙂
We set a detailed road-map of what we need to do to give u the best service as makers, and be sure we will make u happy, regardless of how much effort it will be needed 🙂
Particular focus will be put firstly on the projects and tutorials section. At this very moment we’re going to redesign the information architetture of the site. But let’s give u an inner view.
Regarding projects we have a BIG surprise for u: we’re building a bridge between udoo.org and Hackster.io, so EVERY PROJECT will be automatically shared not only with the community of UDOOers, but also with the HUGE community of Hackster.io users! This means a straightforward and smooth user experience, but overall your creative works will gain all the visibility and traction they deserve. And, finally, this will be a great drive for contests too! Remember our Call-For-UDOOers? Sure Patrick Bronneberg remembers it 🙂 – he got a free fly/hotel ticket for MakerFaireRome 2014 (apropos, have u read the report?) because of his magic Photoboot!
Btw, contests too will get a boost thanks to this connection, and probably u will have to work harder and harder in the future to win 🙂
But we would like to spend some words on tutorials, ‘cos we know this is what most of you are starving for.
THe Tutorials section will be re-organized to simplify the user experience and make the fruition more immediate. We didn’t forget tutorials are the treasure trove every maker looks for when he discovers a new board/language/piece of hardware, so don’t panic, we are strongly focusing on tutorials too 🙂
No need to say that also the documentation is a work-in-progress section! Wait for it!
But these are not the reasons behind this article: your opinions are the reason.
We embrace the open philosophy, so what we CRAVE is your ideas. Your suggestions. Your constructive critiques.
We won’t say “feel free to share your mind below” like a consumed saying, ‘cos we are revolutionary people by mind set. We will say
btw, we are VERY INTERESTED in what u think it should be done.
Stay sure we will take each comment below very seriously.