UDOO NEO: resources made by the Community

we are so happy UDOO NEO is getting momentum among you users! There is such a huge amount of resources made by the community that we are moved. So we decided to ease your life and put everything into a single page. For the moment you have to settle for this, but we are going to organize all this stuff and put it into a dedicated page.
But let’s cut the chit-chat and go ahead.
UDOO Library 2.0, by David Smerkous
A library that makes the Linux side act like a shield to the Arduino side (TCP, UDP Server/Client and Storage, Usb and soon to come audio).
- Hackster link (including a Tutorial):
https://www.hackster.io/smerkousdavid/udoo-library-2-0-9ca0d5?ref=platform&ref_id=497_recent___&offset=2 - GitHub link: https://github.com/smerkousdavid/Udoo-Library
Python Library, by David Smerkous
A Python library to control the Gpios, Accel, Gyro, Temp, Baro, Magno sensors/pins easily.
- Github link: https://github.com/smerkousdavid/Neo.GPIO
ServoCardboard UDOO, by harlem88_gis aka Antonio Gisondi
Move servo cam on UDOO with Google Cardboard
- YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDFrv2x50Lw
- Github link: https://github.com/harlem88/ServoCardboardUdoo
Linux Driver 3 Interfaces, by tcmichals aka Tim Michals
Linux driver that exposes 3 interfaces to user space. Allows user space apps to use epoll for async type of applications.
- All things Embedded Link: http://allthingsembedded.blogspot.it/2015/12/udoo.html
- Drive link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0wXCQunUlRjTW1VT2FBb3BQY3M&usp=sharing
Wifi STA mode, by tcmichals aka Tim Michals
Java Tools for UDOO NEO, by Cyril BOSSELUT
Java tools for UDOO Neo board are a set of java class allowing access to GPIOs, sensors, serial port, a complete REST service and to an 16×2 LCD wired using GPIOs.
Those tools are published under GPL V2 and source are available for download on Github https://github.com/BOSSoNe0013/NeoJava
Push request are also welcome
Latest release added accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope sensors support.
It also includes Java client for the #REST service, #UDOONEO Controller, allowing you to easily managed GPIOs through a network connection
- GitHub link: https://github.com/BOSSoNe0013/UDOONeoController
- Forum link: http://udoo.org/forum/threads/java-tools-for-udoo-neo-board.3159/
UDOONEOREST, by marksull aka Mark Sullivan
Rest API for interacting with UDOO Neo GPIOs, motion sensors and brick sensors.
Debian Jessie, by Igor Pečovnik
Debian jessie
Board: Kernel 3.14.55 (development version) with some hardware support, headers and some firmware included5
Node JS module for Barometric Sensor by fabdrol aka Fabian Tollenaar
Node.js module for retrieving data from the barometer brick for the UDOO Neo. Gets atmospheric pressure in pascals, temperature in kelvin and altitude in meters.
- Github link: https://github.com/fabdrol
A program to upload Arduino sketches via UDOOFOTA by klakier2121
- Github link: https://github.com/klakier2121/udooneo_wifi
UDOO NEO and openocd working, by Tim Michals
Cheers and have a nice weekend guys!