UDOO Neo in the Oven – Extreme Temperature Test

Hi UDOOers,
good news: we got some tests to share!
So, we tested UDOO Neo at extreme temperatures, under heavy CPU and GPU workloads.
Imagine UDOO Neo in the oven (not just a oven: a professional environmental simulation chamber from BINDER). Imagine 60°C, that is 140°F, while doing GPU openGL ES test and MD5 checksum operations on big files at the same time. Here are the results: UDOO Neo Rev. C met the expectations, showing to be resilient to high temperatures.
We hope to share the test about low temperatures in the upcoming days.
P.S. for those of you who missed it, we released UDOObuntu 2 for UDOO Quad and for UDOO Dual, plus UDOObuntu 2 Minimal Edition for the Quad and for the Dual. It will be the basis to build UDOObuntu 2 for UDOO Neo, so you better have a look. For those of you who already got a Quad/Dual to play with, it would be nice on your part to report the bugs. To make it “the wiki way” we also made a publicly accessible list of bugs reported by users.
Hope you guys enjoy the news.
Bye folks!