Go update the UDOO Neo Board Package for Arduino IDE: it’s available

Hi friends,
good news: the UDOO Neo Board Package is updated!
In summary
We’re releasing today the UDOO Board Package 1.6.7 for the Arduino Board Manager (both the external and the internal one).
This update has made the communication via MCC better (you know – the virtual serial communication channel between the processor and the microcontroller). This has stabilized the uploading of the sketches – which, and this is worth it, has been updated too: now you will receive a feedback from Arduino that the sketch is running.
Another good news: Strings operation have been improved too.
so what you have to do now?
As usual, from the inside:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
From the outside, if you have Arduino IDE 1.6.6 or newer than you have to delete the folder .arduino15 and update again through the Board Package.