UDOO & Maker Faire Rome: 2 Talks, 1 Workshop for Kids and 1 UDOO Board to be won

Dear folks,
today is Monday and Maker Faire Rome is going to happen on Friday! Can you deal with it? On our part we are hyper-excited and we’ll relieve this robot-addiction by preparing an immersive videogame for you and a surprise from a galaxy far, far away(!).
But since we are not telling you what is about – come check by yourself, we’re at Pavillon G Booth 12 – let’s take a look at our talks and workshops. Finally we got listed on the Workshop Schedule of Maker Faire Rome so you can share the good news.
We want to stress the point that no prior knowledge of computer science or electronics is required to attend the talks/workshops.
The Map of Maker Faire Rome
We are more or less at the entrance of the faire.
You can also download the map to get a sense of the hugeness of the Greatest Show and Tell on Earth and mark our location on the map.
UDOO Neo, the IoT board: Linux, Arduino, Wireless and Embedded Sensors to make your home smart
This is a talk for beginners and budding Makers to help you make your first steps in the IoT domain with UDOO Neo and its enabling features such as the Arduino-compatible microcontroller, the embedded motion sensors, the wireless module and the lean computing capabilities.
We will introduce to the UDOO universe with a fancy smart home application.
The talk will be held on Saturday 17 October at ROOM 6, from 1.45 PM to 2.45 PM.
Developing physical computing solution with UDOO and Android App Inventor in few minutes
With this talk we want to guide you through the development of an Android App to interact with the physical world by exploiting the power of App Inventor.
You will be guided in building a lottery-like application with App Inventor and UDOO, and the winner of the raffle will be awarded with a UDOO Board!
To get an idea of what this is all about, here’s an explanative video.
The talk will be held on Saturday 17 October at ROOM 7, from 10.30 AM to 11.30 AM
UDOO – Developing an App for IoT with App Inventor and UDOO
Together with Codemotion we’re happy to host a workshop about App Inventor and UDOO, this time for a younger audience, so it will take place in the Kids Area, 3000 square metres dedicated to children and teenagers from 5 to 16 years old!
The workshop will be held at ROOM 20 on Friday 16 October from 3.45 PM to 5.15 PM.
See you there!