UDOO at Droidcon 2017: expect us!

Hi friends,
here we are to announce that, like we did in 2015 and in 2016, also this year we are sponsoring Droidcon Italy 2017, and we’ll be there, on April 6 to 7, in Turin, Centro Congressi Lingotto, with a dedicated UDOO booth.
For those of you who’ve lived under a rock so far, Droidcon is one of the biggest events in tech focused on Android, able to gather curious and experts from all Europe. Droidcon Italy may not be as big as other Droidcon events around the world, but we are happy to see that the community is growing at a rapid pace and each year there is more than the year before.
And it’s not all booths and demos: Droidcon Italy is also the cradle of an all-time cool hackathon, that will walk you through the magical world of Android and physical computing. The hackathon is going to take place on April 8-9, Turin, i.e. once the faire is ended, starting at 8 o’ clock on Saturday. We are, together with Talent Garden, the sponsors of the hackathon.
You want some more details, we know, but for the moment we can’t tell you anything else.
We hope to see you there: reserve your ticket!