UDOO BOLT Social Contest: like and share to reduce the 2nd stretch goal amount

Dear Backers,
to celebrate the huge success that UDOO BOLT is having we’re starting a social contest.
Your commitment will decide the new second stretch goal amount. Now, as you know, to reach the second stretch goal (64 GB eMMC) we need to hit 800k BUT with your help we can decrease it by a maximum of 50k based on likes and shares:
10.000 likes in facebook and instagram = -20.000$
5.000 shares in facebook = -30.000$
The contest Period will last 2 weeks: from Friday July 13th till Friday July 27th at 18:00 (CET).
Below the full rules:
How to enter the Contest
1) You need to have a Facebook and/or an Instagram account;
2) Go here in Facebook and/or here in Instagram;
3) Like or Share the post;
4) Consider to add a comment if you share the post;
5) Wait until the 27th of July to know the results.
The prizes
- If the post will reach a total of 10.000 Likes (in total between Facebook and Instagram) the second stretch goal will be reduced by 20.000 dollars.
- If the post will reach a total of 5.000 Shares on Facebook the second stretch goal will be reduced by 30.000 dollars.
So, if both goals will be reached the second stretch goal will be available at 750.000$ instead of 800.000$.
The span period will go from the 13th of July at 6:00PM Central European Time (CET) until the 27th of July at 6:00PM Central European Time (CET) for a total of 14 days.
At 6:00PM Central European Time (CET) the contest will end and at that time we’ll send an official communication showing the final results and the new stretch goal amount.
Spread the word!