UDOO BOLT Arduino Programming: THE BASICS

Hello UDOOers, we’re here for another 60 seconds with UDOO BOLT. And this is a classic one: we’re going to teach how to program a blinking led on the Embedded Arduino Leonardo Microcontroller. Basically you’re going to learn how to say “Hello World” in Arduino form. Yup, some good old UDOO BOLT Arduino Programming.
If you’ve always wanted to start programming but never knew where to start from or how to do it, this is your chance. At UDOO we thought that simple tutorials, guiding newcomers in the very first steps of programming, is the way to go. So expect more tutorials like this coming out, and make sure to follow us to see all of them and start your programming journey.
How? Well for starters keep in mind that other than a simple LED, you also need a breadboard, a resistor and 2 standard jumper cables. From the software side, just download and open the Arduino IDE, select the right board (Arduino Leonard) and load the Blink Sketch. After that it’s like 3, 2, 1…go and done.
That’s it.
Magic happened once again thanks to the flexibility of UDOO BOLT. Hope you enjoyed this time UDOO BOLT Arduino Programming with us. Use our social media to let us know what tutorials you want to see next, and how we can help you become the programmer you always wanted to be.
And that’s all for today folks!
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