UDOO at the Hackster Hardware Weekends: 5 UDOO Neo and one 3d Printer to be won!

Hi UDOOers,
something truly awesome is about to happen! As you know, we’ve set up a great partnership with Hackster.io to showcase your brilliant projects and share the open source code behind them.
Now we decided to go a step forward: take part to the great Hackster Hardware Weekend and bring that philosophy on the road.
What is it? 10 cities, 10 Hackathons, 10 Meetups, 1 DeLorean. Hackster is rocking, and the party it’s there: San Francisco, L.A., Louisville, Boston, Pittsburgh, there you’ll find us.
So, save this dates:
San Francisco | 3/14-3/15 | Highway 1 |
Los Angeles | 3/21-3/22 | TBA |
Louisville | 4/10-4/11 | GE/ First Build |
Boston | 5/9-5/10 | Bolt |
Pittsburgh | 5/16-5-17 | TBA |
We’ll be having Workshops, held by one of the UDOO Team Members, where you will get your hands dirty trying to exploit the awesome UDOO’s capabilities. Got any questions on UDOO? Getting mad on your project? This is the place to go, with direct support from the UDOO Team.
Not to mention you’ll have the chance to hack the Back to the Future Delorean with UDOO too.
The Win-a-UDOO-Neo Hackathons!
But the great news are not over! There will be great prizes for the attendees! Starting from free UDOO Swag, which you’ll receive just by stopping by. Plus there will be Hackatons where you’ll unload your imagination, tinker and make something. We’ll be sending a brand new UDOO Neo, when released, to the best project made with UDOO. You’ll be the first ones to receive the UDOO Neo.
And we are going to raffle a UDOO Neo for each event we’ll take part to.
5 Hackster Hardware Weekends.
5 Hackathons.
5 UDOO Neo to be won.
Got it?
Still don’t know what UDOO Neo is? It’s the new born in the UDOO family we’re about to launch on Kickstarter in April: a new concept of single board computer. It’s based on the new Freescale i.MX 6SoloX heterogeneous applications processor and… you better take a look!
The 3d-Printer Call for UDOOers!
At the same time, you will be able to take part to the Hack-Festival from your sofa, at home: upload your UDOO project on udoo.hackster.io, and the best one will win a 3d printer!
But you have to STAY TUNED! In the next days we’ll clear the official rules to take part to this contest. In the meanwhile rack your brains and prepare to make our jaw drop.
See you guys!