UDOO 4 Xmas: how to transform your Christmas tree into a smart one

Christmas is coming and UDOO wants to do something for our holydays atmosphere!
With this project we will be able to control the lighting system of our Christmas Tree simply with a smartphone app.
4 LED stripes channels, 4 relay switches and a video player will be driven by your Android device. This way, UDOO becomes your personal Xmas home entertainment center!
Well, let’s go to the point – guess you feel like tinkering right now!
Here is the list of the necessary stuff to make the project come true. Be sure you got everything so not to have your work unwillingly stop!
- LED RGB stripes
- LED RGB amplifier
- 12V power adapter
- Relay shield
- HDMI monitor
- Connecting wires
Have you got all of this? Well, you are ready to follow our video-instruction!
Here is instead the written useful guide we have released to help you light up your waiting-for-Santa.
Hope you enjoy!
And voilà, your remote-controlled Christmas tree comes true!