The UDOO BOLT Shipping is now over. Time for Preorders

Ciao UDOOers,
Welcome back to another post! We’ve made it! All boards and kits have been shipped!
Our Kickstarter campaign is officially over, and it feels great! Knowing that all boards are out in the world and are being used by a thousand backers is just incredible.
It has been a long and tortuous journey. It had its ups and downs, its moments of pure joy and of real disappointment. We were able to make it through only thanks to our backers. Their support, their enthusiasm, and their feedback are what led us through all the hardships.
All boards are either on their way or already with their rightful owners, and we couldn’t be prouder. The UDOO BOLT was a crazy idea, and knowing that the campaign is over is surreal. With over 1400 backers and 600.000$ raised the UDOO BOLT is ready to take the world to storm.
We’re going to sit back and see your projects coming to life! We’re already receiving some updates of work in progress that are mind-blowing, but no spoilers here! Remember to share your creations on our social media!
We will still support our backers, and now we’re taking care of the next step on UDOO BOLT’s journey: the pre-order on Mouser.
And then? What’s next for UDOO? You’ll find out soon.
Plus we’re publishing on our socials a poll on a new idea we’d like to work on. We want your feedback before we move on!
Please make sure to leave a feedback on our social media.
The forum, the Italian and international Telegram, our Facebook , Instagram, Reddit and Twitter.
The UDOO Team