Tag: udoo
Dear folks, today is Monday and Maker Faire Rome is going to happen on Friday! Can you deal with it? On our part we are hyper-excited and we’ll relieve this robot-addiction by preparing an immersive videogame for you and a surprise from a galaxy far, far away(!). But since we are not telling you what […]
Makers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but the most important event of the year in the Maker world in whole Europe. Yes, you know what we are talking about. Do you smell electricity in the air? Is the weather forecast announcing an innovation storm over Rome? Are you starting seeing flock […]
Dear UDOOers, we’re glad to announce that UDOObuntu 2 BETA 2 for UDOO Dual is a reality. Moreover, UDOObuntu 2 BETA 2 Minimal Edition for UDOO Quad and for UDOO Dual are both available too. For what concerns the fixed bugs and the new features we send you back to the yesterday’s post. We’d like […]
Hi UDOOers! Summer has come and our enthusiasm is hotter than ever. We are very happy to announce you – wait for it – the next version of the official UDOObuntu OS for UDOO Dual, Quad and Neo. It is a matter of days, but as we’re about to release it we want you to […]
Hi UDOOers, as the release of UDOO Neo is getting closer and closer we’d love to have you engaged in a collective jam session of project ideas. Every single piece of hardware has a soul, and we need you to unleash the soul of UDOO Neo. We really aim at a heart-embedded platform, so it’d […]
Dear UDOOers, as the community grows and new users happen to discover your platform you can’t be anything but excited. And we are: on July 16th and 17th the SECO’s Bangalore office has been involved in two academic workshops held in India, focused on UDOO. The first one, entitled “Workshop on Embedded Android Program”, was […]
Dear Guys, we’re really happy to announce that part of UDOO Team will be in Berlin next week to meet Makers, DIY Enthusiasts and everybody who wants to know something more about this awesome board. We’ll be attending 3 differents talks and hands on sessions, so if you will be around don’t miss them! Here […]
Originally developed by Silicon Graphics in the early ’90s, OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is a cross-language, multi-platform API for rendering 2D and 3D computer graphics. OpenGL has become the most widely-used open graphics standard in the world and is widely used.