Stranger talks – Krysztof

Ciao UDOOers! Christmas is coming, and we feel the holiday spirit all around us. We’re ready to spend the holidays with our friends and family, nerding our heart time and playing with our BOLTs. But we haven’t forgotten our beloved X86. In today’s interview you’ll meet Krzysztof, a fellow UDOOer that built a case for our X86. Let the Stranger talks – Krysztof edition begin

First, the basics. Who are you?
My name is Krzysztof and I am working in a research institute, where I lead projects related to sensor networks and data processing. So my focus is on data gathering as well as on its further processing, considering energy efficiency at every step. The great advantage for me is that my work is also my hobby, so I am one of the lucky ones who can work on their hobby!
How did you first learn about UDOO?
Some time ago I run across the UDOO x86 Kickstarter campaign. I needed a small PC and found it very interesting that the x86 already had the Arduino integrated, simplifying working with embedded systems.
Is UDOO BOLT your first UDOO product? / What was your first UDOO board?
I got me two x86 boards during its campaign.
How are you using your UDOO board(s) at the moment?
For my work I also got eight x86 for exercises with students. I am using them for sensor network teaching. Can install all the tools I need and carry them to the students (schools or universities) and do not depend on the software they have there ๐ And my UDOO BOLT is currently waiting for new tasks to come.
Can you talk about the case you built for the UDOO BOLT? We’ll need to for our Stranger talks – Krysztof edition
The plan for my BOLT was (and still is) to support me with my work related to sensor networks and neural networks. For that I wanted to have it housed in a way that the board itself is protected, cannot be unintentionally touched or destroyed, but on the other hand it should provide all the connectivity options available, so possibly to be “as naked as possible” with respect to all the connectors it offers. An open housing also means better cooling. At work we were developing plexiglass housing for a project and so I thought it might be a cool option for the BOLT too. And I think it is. Do you agree? ๐
What are your future projects using UDOO BOLT?
The BOLT will be my sensor network gateway, but also a development PC for my AI activities. It can be powered with batteries if needed, but offers also enough resources to allow advanced data processing including AI. It also offers enough options for connecting external accelerators if needed for that purpose.
Can you confess a noobie mistake you did in the past that you learned from?
Many years ago I helped a colleague of mine in preparing his school project. It was a power supply. We were in a hurry, because the deadline was “tomorrow morning”. So we were working pretty fast at night, soldering the components in silence. And then we connected the board to the trafo and one of the electrolytic capacitors exploded ๐ Nothing really happened, but we were frightened as hell by the loud and sudden sound ๐ So what I learned: even if you are in hurry you should not stop being careful and respecting the basic (safety) rules. ๐
Whatโs your tech guilty pleasure?
I like getting all the new things that come out!
Did you overcome a tech challenge youโre proud of? Would you like to tell the tale?
There were some, but I think that sometimes the non-tech challenges are far far more hard to solve ๐ For the tech related issues, you can always build a piece of hardware and program it if you need. ๐
Do you have any IT unrelated hobbies?
I really love my kids and spending time with them. Can that be considered as a hobby? ๐ BUT, they slowly become more and more IT related ๐
Is there a dream piece of software or hardware youโd like us to create?
I was wondering if a BOLT with FPGA-based or -supported Arduino would be possible.
Your last words?
It was really a pleasure to come across UDOO and meet you all ๐
Thank you UDOOer, now you shall forever be remembered by the internet and us. Thanks, Krysztof for giving us the chance to so this Stranger talks – Krysztof edition interview.