Rev.B and a little software news

Hi guys,
we’ve been working on the Rev. B since a couple of weeks ago with satisfying results, and we are eager to show you where we stand.
UDOO Neo Rev. B features these changes compared to the previously shown Rev. A:
- the ethernet was lowered to ease the stacking of the shields;
- the pinout was turned over for the same purpose;
- we moved the Micro USB to simplify the usage of USB keys.
So far we’ve been focused on hardware validation, while on the software side we are still at the beginning. Our main concern at the moment is to provide you with the new kernel 3.14.28and uboot 2014.04 for all the boards of the UDOO family. In the meanwhile, we are also conducting stress and stability tests of the GPU, the CPU and the RAM.
Anyway, as you can see in the demo below, the GPU hardware acceleration works very well with both HDMI and LVDS panel.
There is also another very good news: in September, hopefully together with the shippings, UDOO Neo will support Android Lollipop!!!!!
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