QT 5.5.1 for UDOO QUAD/DUAL: wanna try our alpha version?

Dear folks,
here we are with QT 5.5.1 for UDOO QUAD/DUAL!
The build is based on Ubuntu 15.10 and, quoting Francesco, “it provides GPU accelerated Xorg/LXDE desktop environment. Upon that, QT 5.5.1 has been rebuilt using Vivante GLES extensions over X11 only.”
But this time we decided for a different release method, more feedback-oriented.
If you are interested – and we guess many UDOOers are – you can compile the form and you’ll be contacted to take part in the alpha test.
Beware that it is, as said, an early build, and we are releasing it in order to gather your precious feedback and make it better. Don’t spare your criticism and suggestions, we need them to know what works properly and what needs to be refined.
We hope you appreciate.
P.S.: surprises are not over for today: swing by here in a couple of hours and you’ll be able to download UDOObuntu 2 RC1 for UDOO QUAD/DUAL!