Projects Section & Submit Your Project

Hi everybody,
we’re very happy to announce our brand new “Projects” section where, from now on, we’ll list all the main works made by the UDOO Team and our awesome community. Right now we’ve got 3 different projects ready but more will come in the next few days:
[checklist icon=”check” iconcolor=”#ffffff” circle=”yes”]
- Unas – Nerd’s favourite Network Attached Storage
- Freedomotic Open Source Building Automation
- UPlug Project – A power consumption monitor Android application with UDOO
And that’s not all. The section comes with the form “Submit Your Projects” that you (that’s right YOU) can use to share your project in UDOO’s website. It’s simple, just fill out the form with all the asked informations (Full Name, social pages, website, title, overall description, videos and images if any), we’ll review and publish every work we receive, so don’t be shy and let’s share your projects with us!