Ort-o-matic – #botanic

Hi UDOOers,
here we are to showcase a new UDOO project by Francesco Montefoschi, a student of engineering of Siena.
You have to know that in the Botanical Garden of Siena there are labs working on research of plant species. The idea is born in this context, with the scope to evaluate the level of intraspecific competition regarding growth and other interesting aspects. Plants in an eco-system are like puppies fighting for food, you know. The bigger the competition, the more the biomass of each plant is reduced. So, basically the scope is to generate models that estimates the optimal seeding density which maximizes the biomass.
The application is composed of two parts: the web interface and scripts in background.
You have to know Arduino and PHP. By the way, you’ll find everything on Hackster clicking the link below, Francesco did a very good job actually.