Open Source Day 2014: what will UDOO?

The Open Source 2014 is coming to Udine: what will UDOO?
Something’s happening indeed in the Open Source World: tomorrow, November 29th, we’ll be at the Open Source Day 2014, in the wonderful city of Udine.
The informatic association AsCI with IGLU, the Linux Group Udine in collaboration with DiTeDi (District of Digital Technologies) and with the patronage of the University of Udine, the municipality of Tavagnacco, Udine and the autonomous region of Friuli-Venezia-Giulia has spent a lot of energy in the organization of this event.
The event will be held in the Polo Scientifico Rizzi of the University of Udine. You will be able to take part to more than 30 conferences (!) regarding:
- Basic: for laymans and whoever is approaching the Open Source and Free Software world for the first time.
- Web: regarding Open Source resources for web development.
- Development: regarding Open Source resources for app development.
- CMS: about Open Source CMSes
- Forensics: regarding Open Source softwares for forensic investigation
Plus lots of other nerd stuff like:
- Install Fest: do you have a problem with a Linux Distro? That’s the right place!
- Test Arena: where you can test Open Source OS on the computer hosted specifically for the Test Arena.
- Lightning Talks: insta-conference 10 minutes long.
You have to remember two special things:
- USB Key: because you’ll obviously want to take a copy of the Open Source resources you’ll find out at the event!
- and you can also get the certificate of partecipation, but if you are interested you have to register before. Obviously you can also avoid it, it’s just for the certificate.
But what about UDOO?
We will host 2 Lightning Talks and 1 Conference!
The Lightning Talks will start, according to our information, circa at 10.30 am, and we are third – so aproximately we will have our time-space at 11 o’ clock.
Our first Talk will be “UDOO and Open Smart Home”, held by Luca Pisani and Giovanni Burresi: we will show how to create a home automation system with UDOO. To be more specific, there will be a special section about Christmas, like how to build and control an Open Source Smart Christmas Tree!
Another Lightning Talk you should attend is “How to program the world with Android and UDOO”, held by Luca Pisani and Giovanni Burresi, and it will concern maker-like projecs you could realize with Android thanks to UDOO. If you are a total beginner take a look at this super-easy tutorial before.
The Conference is very interesting too: “Didactic Lab around UDOO and LTSP”. It will be held by Luca Peresson. You should not be a total layman in OS. There will be an analysis of the possibilities of LTSP combined with ARM-based single board computer like UDOO or Pi specifically about energy consumption, maintenance, economic cost and efficiency. Single board computers like UDOO in fact are perfectly cheap and ecological solution – here’s an example.
So, what will UDOO tomorrow instead of coming at the Open Source Day 2014?!?