NauticSud with UDOO and FairWind!

Dear UDOOers,
have you ever heard about NauticSud? We’re talking about a remarkable boat show, to be held in Naples, from February 18 to 26. This year it’s the 44th edition, and there will be 400 boats for the exhibition, for an area of 30,000 squared meters.
And we’re very happy to tell you that UDOO, thanks to Raffaele Montella and his crew, will take part to this wonderful event.
Raffaele Montella is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the Department of Science and Technologies at Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope.
Together with Diana Di Luccio, Federica Izzo and Carmine Ferraro, Raffaele has developed FairWind, an Android-based smart, cloud-enabled navigation system for small yachts with boat apps for never-ending custom improvements.
If you’re anywhere near Naples this February come along!