Meteor JS is finally UDOO compatible

Hi UDOOers,
today we are going to show you a Javascript framework one of our user, Tom Freudenberg, has generously ported for UDOO.
Meteor JS is an open-source Javascript framework to develop web or mobile apps. Firstly introduced in 2011, it’s written in Node JS. With its 21,412 GitHub stars, Meteor JS is the ultra-simple database-everywhere – as it claims to be – and one of the most starred projects of GitHub in history. For the moment Mac and Linux are the only one supported platforms and the official support for Windows is coming. Well, it may sounds weird but, despite they are not officially supported, ARM architectures are now Meteor JS compatible thanks to Tom!!! This mean that UDOO becomes Meteor JS compatible.
You have just to take a look at the wonderful work made by Tom for all of us and then start building your Meteor JS app!
And remember to give a star to the Tom work! It surely deserves it!!