Maker Faire Rome 2015: just 2 weeks for the biggest event for Makers in whole Europe

Makers of the world, unite!
You have nothing to lose but the most important event of the year in the Maker world in whole Europe.
Yes, you know what we are talking about.
Do you smell electricity in the air? Is the weather forecast announcing an innovation storm over Rome? Are you starting seeing flock of drones flying in the sky for the autumn migration?
No, you’re not crazy, my dear: it’s Maker Faire Rome 2015 – and it’s coming to the Italian capital like once Barbarians did: disrupting. It’s announced as the biggest event for Makers in Europe, and it’s not just a marketing claim guys. Prepare yourself for wonder.
Wonder stays in Numbers
- 16-18 October 2015: 3-days of insane creativity starting with the Educational Day that has just scored with 15,000 registered attendees and 400 schools
- 100,000 square meters: it’s the space offered for the event, inside Città della Sapienza
- 90,000 people showed up last year at Maker Faire Rome;
- 15,000 square meters of showrooms (!)
- 3,000 square meters for workshops and labs especially dedicated to kids
- more than 700 inventions from all around the world picked amongst 1,300 proposals for the Call for Makers
- +600 booths: can you imagine?
- 300 square meters x 22 meters reserved for an aviary for drones!
- hundreds of workshops/seminars with the gretest personalities of the field
- over 90 labs to enter the world of coding / tinkering / physical computing right at Maker Faire Rome!
What to expect from the UDOO Team
Engagement, this is what we’re here for. We want to engage you in tinkering out of UDOO and App Inventor. We want you to move your first steps in the IoT domain, where things get connected and start talking each other. We are going to host two Talks, both of them on October 17th:
- Developing physical computing solutions with UDOO and Android App Inventor in few minutes – 10,30 – 11,30
- UDOO Neo, the IoT board: Linux, Arduino and embedded sensors to Make your home smart – 13,45 – 14,45
The exact location will be shared as soon as possible. We can’t wait to show you our creations, made with UDOO boards with love.
Wanna know more? You can find some info on the website of the event – actually our talks aren’t featured yet – but to get a taste of the daily miracles of Maker Faire Rome you can’t help but show up: we are waiting for you.