Jugend Forscht 2015: 10k participants and the first prize goes to a UDOO-based project

Hi UDOOers,
two UDOOers have won the Biggest Youth Science Competition in Europe with a UDOO-based project. Don’t you know what we are talking about?
Well, here it is Jugend Forscht
Jugend Forscht is a German Youth Science Competition for high school students and first-year college students. Each year over 10k participants come from all Germany.
How it works
Students not older than 21 choose a self-made project, realize it and make a report about it. The competition is in three steps, from regional to national level. The cool aspect is the network that grows up around the competition: Universities and Industries are involved and they often are members of the jury.
This story begins with Jens Wetterich and Jonas Pfrang – these are the names of our heroes, both 18 years old – asking us a UDOO Quad to take part in the competition. So, given that we support schools, Universities and students, we sent them a UDOO Quad and they realized MyHome – a self-substaining Smart Home in miniature – 80 x 80 cm – with solar panels. And they won the first prize in the category “Technology”, both in the first and in the second step.
To quote the kind email Jens Wetterich sent us – [Note: bold parts are an addition by the editor]:
“In this project we work in three directions. First, we try to improve the usage of solar energy in private households. Second, we are developing a new intelligent domestic automation system and third, we want to improve the communication of households and energy providers (electricity and heating). For the second aspect we need a small server that manages our automation system. […] Our project belongs to the 56 best projects out of 2000 presented in in Bavaria.
In the second selection process we were also successful. We won two exceptional prices: one from a well-known association dealing with electrical engineering. The other one is concerning entrepreneurship.
The visitors and the jury were very interested in the UDOO that we used as small server for our smart home system. Especially the high performance by low energy usage was impressive!”
It took over 450 hours to build the smart home and the mobile app to control the energy-consumption. But the competition isn’t finished yet. There is still the third round: let’s cross our fingers!