Dear UDOOers, 2019 it’s about to end, and we can’t help but think back to this year. it’s time to shout HAPPY HOLIDAYS and be merry.
2019 has been the year of the UDOO BOLT. We’re already having a hard time keeping up with demand, and the first projects are starting to come out and blow our minds.
2019 meant new people joining the team, fresh minds to help us with new projects and new tasks. Having a new member join our team also means finding a new friend to share a laugh with, and to rely on when work seems like a mountain you can’t climb.
2019 meant lots of rethinking, reorganising and transforming, especially towards the end of the year. We can’t wait to rest and enjoy some time with our families, but also to come back and see where the change will lead us.
2019 has been the year of new, unreleased projects to hit us and took up most of our days and waking hours. Those projects are going to take even more, we’d love to share what it’s all about, and we will soon.
2019 also meant seeing you, our community, grow and develop. We have seen new people coming in and become helpers. We gave back (if only a little) and we want to keep giving back in 2020.
So what does 2020 means for us? New projects, new stuff to create, new people joining the team, and a bright future. All thanks to you guys and your support. We can’t help but feel grateful. So what else can we say other than…
Keep in touch, make sure to follow us on our social media!
Wanna stay in touch? Check out the forum, the Italian and international Telegram, our Facebook , Instagram, Reddit and Twitter.
The UDOO Team