Hackster #HardwareWeekend: next stop L.A. with 1 UDOO Neo to be won!

Hi UDOOers,
what have you done this week end? We were at San Francisco, with the funky dudes of Hackster.io, a whole slew of UDOO Neo, a Hackable DeLorean and a muddle of curious eyes and fingertips.
It’s been a wonderful time honestly. The word “enthusiastic” could sound strange for a Workshop but it actually was.
During the Hackathon we met many brilliant teams and developers.
And the location, honestly, was marvelous.
The Numbers of the Hackster #HardwareWeekend
103 registered attendees.
80% were engineers, hardware-software developers, and designers.
16 teams formed.
A lot of cool projects, from the DeLorean Security System to prevent uninvited drivers to the Marty McFly embedded jacket.
Many first-time UDOOers.
Children and dads being creative together.
2 brilliant projects powered by UDOO, already on udoo.hackster.io: the Virtual Orchestra
and the Most Internet Connected Coffee Pot of All Time! Which one has won the UDOO Neo in your opinion? We left a clue in this post. If you find it, write it in the comments below!
Volumio to rock the festival,
with his creator Michelangelo Guarise, member of the UDOO Team.
and 1 sexy DeLorean, which made you mad and milling around to finally seat on the Back to the Future car.
Energy. Interesting people, intriguing projects. There has been a lot of positivity out there. An IQ party with the most creative makers in the Bay Area, with engineers from the likes of Stanford, Microchip, Samsung, and Broadcom.
Next stop LA: will you win a UDOO Neo?
And it’s not finished yet. Actually it’s only the beginning. There will be other 10 Hackster Hardware Weekends, and in addition to the San Francisco Weekend we’ll take part in other four ones. This weekend we’re headed to Los Angeles. There will be another Hackathon + Workshop, the Hackable DeLorean, tons of people + 1 UDOO Neo to be won for the Hackathon! So, beware to be available! And in the meanwhile, save these dates.
Los Angeles | 3/21-3/22 | TBA |
Louisville | 4/10-4/11 | GE/ First Build |
Boston | 5/9-5/10 | Bolt |
Pittsburgh | 5/16-5-17 | TBA |
We can’t wait to see you at Los Angeles this weekend!