Hack Disabilities: change the world through open-source tech

Hi UDOOers,
what’s your plan for May 16-17? If you are anywhere near Rome, Hack Disabilities is the place to go. If you aren’t, this is another reason to visit the Eternal City and take part in a 2-days Hackathon with a challenging theme, that is, guess what, hacking disabilities.
Seriously, isn’t it an original and stimulating matter? We think it is, so we decided to sponsor the Hackathon. But Hack Disabilites is more than a Hackathon: it embodies the vision that through technology social and personal issues may be solved by hackers. That’s what hacker means: dismantling the paradigma to take new paths.
At this point you’re probably thinking about what are the challenges to address for this Hackathon. Well, good question. They are:
1) Sustainable transport
The objective is to provide a solution to blind people, or to those who suffer visual impairment, to move autonomously. Common problems to accomplish this aim are turning traffic signals in accessible ones.
2) Social Networking
The scope is to ease the access to social networks for everyone on every device. Interactions with no friction are the focus.
3) Entertainment
The challenge is to make a game for disabled people, like videogames conceived for blinds.
4) Home Automation and IoT
No need to say home automation applications may solve lot of problems for persons with locomotion/sensorial issues.
5) Push notification
New scenarios for push notifications.
The Prizes
- 6 Free Basic Tickets for the Mobile World Congress 2016
- 6 Brainwave (Starter kit)
- 6 UDOO
The Hackathon starts at 12 o’ clock, but before midday there are some interesting talks you shouldn’t miss – IBM and the “National Federation Pro Blind People” among the speechmakers. We will be there, waiting for you.
And it will be engaging: it’s a promise.