FairWind running on UDOO QUAD to be exposed at Città della Scienza, Naples, in occasion of “Futuro Remoto”

FairWind running on UDOO Quad will be exposed at Futuro Remoto on October 7-10!
Incredible, isn’t it? We don’t know your view, but being exposed at Città della Scienza in occasion of “Futuro Remoto” sounds especially exciting for UDOO!
First thing first: do you know what FairWind is? Long story short: it’s an integrated multifunctional navigation software based on open technologies leveraging on an infrastructure built on mobile and web technologies. Also defined as “Android-based Smart, Cloud-Enabled Navigation System for small Yachts with Boat Apps for never-ending custom improvements”, it is, in other words, a DIY application for navigation based on UDOO QUAD.
Also, it’s something you could build yourself since the project’s on Hackster.io!
FairWind is taking part in the CONTEST UNIVERSITA’, subject “Apps and Videogames”, for the thirty edition of Festival della Scienza.
A demo station will be held at the “Isola Laboratori Tematici” of the “Villaggio della Scienza” in Piazza del Plebiscito, on October 7, 2016, from 10.00 to 22.00 o’ clock.
If you’ll come along you’ll have the chance to discover the many functionalities of FairWind, as well as use the prototype in exposition and talk with experts and makers of the Department of Science and Technology of the Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”.
If you want to follow the updates of the event, there will be some on the Facebook page of FairWind: https://www.facebook.com/fairwindsystem/
FairWind is a university initiative born in the High Performance Scientific Computing Smart Laboratory of the Department of Science and Technologies (DiST) at the University of Napoli Parthenope joining the effort of the “Sebeto – Student Creativity”, “Hack Arts Lab at UniParthenope” innovative teaching projects and the “Regional Centre for Marine and Atmosphere Monitoring and Modeling” (RCMAMM, http://meteo.uniparthenope.it) operated by the DiST.