Ciao UDOOers, Embedded World 2020 is happening right now, so if you’re not in Nuremberg, head there right now to enjoy one of the biggest recurring fairs for those in the Embedded Community. As you’ve guessed from the title of this article, today, we’re going to talk about the EW2020 UDOO VISION demo. Don’t know what UDOO VISION and UDOO VISION AI Kit are? Click here to read the article.
What’s UDOO VISION again?
Just a little refresher here. UDOO VISION is a super UDOO X86 built upon a Pico-ITX pocket-size form factor. It comes in two versions – a premium version mounting an Intel® Atom® x7-E3950 Quad-Core, and a basic version, mounting an Intel® Atom® X5-E3940 Quad Core. It’s based on UDOO VISION and the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit for computer vision experts and newcomers alike. The UDOO VISION kit includes the upcoming UDOO VISION, a USB Full HD camera, and a power supply. The whole architecture is compatible with Intel® Movidius™ Myriad™ X VPU, the widely popular low-processor manycore FPGA unit for computer vision.
What is the Demo about?
The demo shows one of the many applications of UDOO VISION. We installed a camera with a program capable of recognizing anyone’s gender, age, emotion, and action performed in front of it. Playing mime has never been easier.

However, let’s move on. At last, enough with the dad’s jokes. In all seriousness, the applications of a demo like this are endless. For example, when applied to a shop, recognize your most faithful customers, and the ones you can build a better relationship with. Crucially, recognize the shoplifters and know to keep an eye on them in case they haven’t changed their ways.
Gather marketing data: analyze what a specific group of customers enjoy the most and develop more products to their liking, catering your offer to their demand. At the end of the day, watch your business grow.
Or just have fun in front of the camera, act silly and watch the AI guess what you’re up to. Briefly, it can detect the most unusual actions, try and see.

And that’s all for the EW2020 UDOO VISION demo, folks!
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