Download UDOObuntu 2 RC2

Dear folks,
here we are to make a big announcement: UDOObuntu 2 RC2 is here.
We focused on solving major problems and some new features.
But let’s go straight on and check out the improvements.
Fast Download
- Mirror EU
- SourceForge
- SHA-1: 82ada7a6518ea331338ccbbc6dddec36a110cb5f
- Mirror EU Minimal
- SourceForge Minimal
- SHA-1: 789e45e2b431bc37cb6211e9f424ed14501c4fc5
- Mirror EU
- SourceForge
- SHA-1: bf4b8130b7ac00722abb7aee7a649b7d4b32f0d9
- Mirror EU Minimal
- SourceForge Minimal
- SHA-1: 81bcdf4f40a4d6aa3e73bea915de5bcef4791b29
What’s new
For UDOO NEO users:
- udoo-web-conf has been updated: upon your requests is now possible to
- change time zone and save the change through a graphical editor – no command line needed
- change your passwords and save the change through a graphical editor – no command line needed
- disable the Arduino, using thefore all the hardware under Linux (e.g. ADC)
- configure your screen setup from an external PC connected to UDOO
- Kernel with a new MCC (improved virtual serial)
- external GPIOs files are automatically exported at boot in the folder /gpio
- sensors (motion sensors and bricks) files are automatically exported at boot in the folder /sensors
- VNC server switched to X11vnc. It supports copy/paste and it is less eager for Ram
- Bugfix and performance improved
- udoo-web-conf has been added!
- HDMI issues fixed
- external GPIOs are automatically exported at boot in the folder /gpio
- Bugfix and performance improved
We’d also like to tell you that we are going on in the porting of libraries to UDOO NEO.
These are the ones we’ve ported with this release.
- for the Accelerometer/Gyroscope FXOS8700CQ_neo.h
- for the Magnetometer FXAS2100C_neo.h
- for the Temperature Brick LM75_neo.h
- for the Barometer/Altimeter/Temperature Brick Adafruit_MPL3115A2_neo.h
- and also LCD LiquidCristal_neo
Finally, the Humidity Brick and the Light Brick aren’t already around, but since we’re about to launch them we’ve already ported the libraries:
- for the Humidity Brick SI7021_neo.h
- for the Light Brick TSL2561_neo.h
Installing these libraries
First of all, here are the addresses of the zip files containing the libraries:
If you are going for cross-compiling you have to install these libraries, and to do it you just need to follow this easy process:
Arduino ide —>
Sketch —>
Libraries —>
Add Zip
A final concern you should have
When you are using one of the headers inside the Arduino IDE you must necessarily add by hand
#include <Wire.h>
before the headers of the sensors.