Category: UDOO Neo

Rev.B and a little software news

Hi guys, we’ve been working on the Rev. B since a couple of weeks ago with satisfying results, and we are eager to show you where we stand. UDOO Neo Rev. B features these changes compared to the previously shown Rev. A: the ethernet was lowered to ease the stacking of the shields; the pinout […]

UDOO Neo is on Kickstarter: get the $35 or $45 Early Bird NOW!

Something truly exciting is happening right now: UDOO Neo Campaign is LIVE on Kickstarter! NEO embodies the same Linux\Android + Arduino™ philosophy into the Wireless and IoT world. It merges the 2 distinct processors into one, featuring integrated Wi-Fi + BT 4.0 and motion sensors. All of this with less power comsumption and a starting […]

UDOO at the Hackster Hardware Weekends: 5 UDOO Neo and one 3d Printer to be won!

  Hi UDOOers, something truly awesome is about to happen! As you know, we’ve set up a great partnership with to showcase your brilliant projects and share the open source code behind them. Now we decided to go a step forward: take part to the great Hackster Hardware Weekend and bring that philosophy on […]