Arduino (M4) External Programming: It’s Time!

Our beloved friends,
the time has come: you can finally program the Arduino platform on UDOO NEO from an external PC!
Isn’t it wonderful?
Many UDOOers in our Community have complained about the lack of this crucial capability, combined with the resulting bother of slow internal compilation. Good news: that time is over! So, just as recap: you can still do it leveraging Cortex A9, or you can go the other way around, relying on your big, big computer for that matter.
Long story short, now you can program Cortex M4 in both ways.
Then, have a look at the guide and start playing.
A warning before you start: for external programming the serial monitor doesn’t work yet.
But let’s go ahead.
The video is a dive into the Arduino domain, and a summary of all the various scenarios: from UDOObuntu, External PC, Web Control Panel and Remote Desktop
Full documentation
As you see, we’re working to make the UDOO NEO’s Arduino a piece of cake: accessible via VNC, SSH, via the Web Control Panel, as well as programmable both internally and externally.
We really can’t wait to see what you’ll build out of UDOO NEO after this release.
The best is yet to come!
P.S.: since we’re eager of feedback and this is a beta, don’t skimp on comments! Pull requests are appreciated too!