Android Image with SATA and SPDIF support (just the chocolate today)

Hi guys! Powerful news today!
So, not the nonsense-shiny-crap u are used to pass through in this blog to get the heart of chocolate, today just the heart of chocolate 🙂
And, simply going straightforward…
ever known about Primiano Tucci? He’s a UDOOer and a software engineer at Google and he’s recently did some coooool experiments with UDOO Android Image, exploiting potentialities undiscovered before.
Thnx to this image, based on previous official UDOO sources, it’s possible to run the user data partition from the SATA drive hard disk to store looooot of data and apps on your favorite singleboard and moreover, to use the SPDIF audio digital outputs. This way, /boot, /system, /cache – practically all the base system – will stay just in the SD: u won’t need anymore to consume all your small SD space to store apps or other not-useful-but-quite-interesting-crap.
Really useful no?
Ok, and here u can find the complete img with the simple instruction to prepare the SATA hard-disk. Quoting Primiano himself, “in my opinion keeping the base system image on the SD card makes the hacking / development cycle easier, allowing to test a new kernel or Android base image by just swapping in another SD card.”
Ok guys, just let me guess, u are craving for the code like a zombie, aren’t u?
Ya guys, but remember to go to Primiano Tucci blog and say THANKS, cos he shared all the code here on GitHub.
Overall, during the spare time at Google, he has created a guide about how to work on Android source on GitHub