An Idea-Challenge for volcano-mind makers

Hi Maker Bros,
we’re here to tell u about a new contest running NOW on rewarding imagination and lateral thinking. Well, ain’t talking pipsqueak and let’s go straight to the point:, our new official projects-manager platform as we told u days ago, has launched an Idea Challenge: “What will UDOO with an UDOO?”
The two most creative ideas will receive a UDOO Quad to make it come to life.
So, here’s the easy-peasy rules:
- your aim is: explain the best u can which devilry u would realize with the UDOO board: your idea needs to be well described: credits will be awarded to the ones that also hint on implementation. OK, well, it’s not required to be fully-finished, but – and here comes the second point
- you have to be creative: make the community’s jaw drop! This contest is open to every Maker in the world, especially if it’s your first UDOO project: sharpen your I’m-a-creative-dude weapons to beat the competition
As we told u, just two rules.
So this is your time to step into the battle. Are u an Arduino-boy? Have u ever tinkered with the magical Raspberry Pi? Do u drive mad for Android development? It just means this is your opportunity to put your hand on the Arduino-Android-Linux board aka UDOO board.
Thus, stop everything you’re on, throw away your time-eating stuff and start cooking up a new project.
Then, come and tell us.
We’re looking forward to.