A new Volumio has been released for UDOO Dual, Quad and Neo

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Volumio for UDOO Dual, Quad and NEO has just been released.
Volumio is a free and Open Source Linux Distribution, designed and fine-tuned exclusively for music playback. By flashing (installing) Volumio on UDOO, it will then become a headless Audiophile Music Player.
Headless means that the only  way to control it will be with another Mobile phone, computer or tablet.
This is made possible by Volumio’s UI: a web applications that runs on any device with a browser, and that allows an easy and intuitive control of your playback sessions.
All communications between the webapp and Volumio will happen through your home network.


  • Minimal operating system, tailored for Bit-Perfect Audio Playback
  • Works with any USB 2.0 DAC
  • Supports all filetypes: FLAC, Alac, Aac, Vorbis, Mp3, DSD etc
  • UPNP Playback
  • Airplay Playback
  • DSD Over PCM support, for non Direct-DSD compatible hardware
  • Integrated WebRadio directories
  • If a compatible wireless hardware is found, Volumio will create an hotspot network for first configuration
  • Mount CIFS and NFS Network Attached Storage, with an auto-discovery function
  • Custom playlist editing and creation
  • Plugin support with new functions available like Spotify and Digital Room Correction
  • Seamless update system: no need to reinstall when a new version is available
  • Multilanguage with a growing number of translations available
  • Image background support, even your favourite one
  • Alarm and sleep function
  • At first boot, it creates a handy hotspot for you to connect to
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