USB-C Power Delivery 3.0

60 Seconds with UDOO BOLT
Ciao UDOOers,
December it’s usually a glorious amount of pure white snow, cold days, and cozy nights spent by the fireplace. Maybe for you, December means summer, long days spent on the beach and surfing. If that’s so, we’re jealous. Extremely jealous. So, maybe we better talk about the USB-C Power Delivery 3.0
2019 is about to end for everyone though, but we’re not waiting for the new year to start something new.
The team is starting a new series of videos for you guys. They’re a short, 1-minute videos, showing one feature of the UDOO BOLT each. We created them to kick-start your creativity, and showing the full potential of our new little beast.
The UDOO BOLT is an eclectic board, and it may confuse people on what actually the mounted-on Arduino, the groove connectors and the other features actually work and can actually do.
We’re here to help you, and as a plus, you’re going to get to know better even more members of the team.
The first one is out NOW and will explore a very convenient feature: the USB-C Power Delivery 3.0, the same one used to power up, for instance, a MacBook pro.
So get ready to get to know the UDOO BOLT better in the next few months! In the meantime, we’re going to go on holiday! From the 20th of December to the 4th of January the office is closed, and the shop isn’t going to ship.
Rest assured that a person will be watching for emergencies, but activity is going to be slowed down during the holidays.
Enjoy your holidays, and remember: there’s nothing you can’t do!!
Wanna stay in touch? Check out the forum, the Italian and international Telegram, our Facebook , Instagram, Reddit and Twitter.
The UDOO Team