60 seconds with UDOO BOLT – Grove starter kit

Ciao guys, Welcome back to another 60 seconds with UDOO BOLT and happy Valentine’s day by the way, whether you celebrated it with the love of your life, your 17 cats, or none at all. This time we’re going to show you how our Grove starter kit makes playing with the UDOO BOLT 100 times more fun. So, what’s a grove kit, and how can it help you?
What is it?
So, what is it? The UDOO Grove kit is a modular electronic platform for quick prototyping, perfect for engineers designers and artists wanting to turn their ideas into reality. Every module has its function, plug the modules you need to the base shield, and you’re ready to go.
Here is what’s included in the kit:
– Base Shield 1x
– User Manual 1x
– 10x Cable Connectors
– 80cm Infrared Proximity Sensor 1x
– Buzzer 1x
– Sound Sensor 1x
– Rotary Angle Sensor 1x
– Temperature Sensor 1x
– Light Sensor 1x
– Button 1x
– Mini Servo 1x
– RGB led chainable 1x
– IR emitter 1x
– IR receiver 1x
– Moisture Sensor 1x
Indeed, that’s a lot of stuff. That’s what we love about our UDOO BOLT Grove kit. However, we’re here to help you learn what you can accomplish with these unassuming cables.
What can you do with it?
The team has created a teeny tiny project using a rotatory angle sensor to control the color of an RGB LED, then we’ll use a buzzer that will activate only when the LED turns red. As a result, we’ve accomplished that through a combination of brainpower, using the AMD Ryzen V1000’s strength and its digital and analog grove connectors.
Cool, right? And this is just a little taste of what you’ll be able to accomplish. Hopefully, now you’re inspired to try it for yourself.
Technology is able to create wonders that leave everyone mouth agape but have the potential to make for amazing trouble-making, Weasley’s twins’ tricks.
And that’s it for today, folks.
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